
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

On this 12th day of August...

Thanks Mom for giving birth to me today!
Hello blog,

It's been a while, and I'm sorry. 

As I feel a little extra loved and a little extra special today, and as much as I want to write something deep and philosophical, It sounded more fun to do a little fun facts list about myself. 99 percent of the time, this blog is focused on #foodforthought and I wanted to switch it up for some #funforthought. 

That being said, here's a few of my favorite things.

1. Flowers. Flowers. Flowers. Plants. Plants. Flowers.
I know they say girls love flowers.. but I seriously adore fresh flowers and potted plants. Saturday afternoons are perfect for Home Depot runs for my latest potting endeavor. Any flowers that come my way, I make them last as long as I can. And I believe that fresh flowers in the house are always a must. 

2. Big umbrellas, with wooden handles.
This is the Italia reminiscing in me, but I have such fond memories of walking around Italy with this over-sized maroon umbrella with a curved wooden handle. Unfortunately, it didn't fit into my suitcase and we parted ways.. but in the rare times it actually sprinkles in Southern California, I pull out my Italian umbrella replacement (an over-sized polka dot Kate Spade version) and start planning my next Italian getaway. 

3. Animals, especially the cuddly kind known as puppies and kittens.
Growing up, I wanted nothing more than to be a veterinarian with a part-time dolphin trainer job. Those dreams were cut short when I started flunking out of every science class. That being said, my family has so many pictures of me hugging every cat, dog and dead fish (post fishing trip) I could find. Animals make my heart smile.

4. ...And fish[ing]. 
Digging for worms and spending summers at the lake was a huge part of my childhood, and comes with lots of happy memories with my grandfathers. I hate to brag, but I was a rock-star worm finder too. 

5. Books. 
During the years of kindergarten through 8th grade, I read hundreds upon hundreds of books. I read them so fast, my teacher's didn't believe me. I used to read so much, my parents would have to cut me off... which then I would proceed to lock myself in the bathroom and continue reading. Guess what I hid under the bathroom sink... books. 

6. Juniper & Ivy/Puesto. 
You San Diegans will understand this reference but J&I and Puesto are my two foodie happy places. Not because they are trendy or cool or the place to be, but because the people are incredible and both places feel like home. They treat me far better than I deserve and they are seriously the best two restaurants in the region, they are stars of their craft. // 

7. South Africa & Australia. 
Not that I've actually been to either, but for years, I've fantasized about the day I get to visit these two remarkable places. I feel in love with SA after meeting the most incredible people and Australia, well Sydney bridge climb and Great Barrier Reef, I'm coming for you!

8. Home. 
I mean this in multiple ways. Home to me is a special place and I am a firm believer that a clean and well designed home is a happy home. I take pride in making my home well like a safe space, this is comforting and welcoming not only for myself, but most importantly others. Also, home to me is where the heart is, and a large part of my heart will always be with my family in Santa Barbara. My favorite life moments are when we (that's 17+ people) get together for a midnight pow-wow, laughing, talking, and eating way too much cheese and crackers. 

I love a good quote and they seem to spill out of me at the random-est of moments. Cheesy quotes, deep quotes, helpful quotes, meaningful quotes, sarcastic quotes.. all of them. 

10. Simple unplanned moments. 
I've always loved event planning, but that being said, I love those "life's little moments" occasions. The unplanned visit, the unsuspecting friendship, the surprising sunset... the things that make you stop and pause and remind you of just how blessed you are. 

11. Thoughtfulness
I am the biggest fan of "the little things." My heart melts with the little gestures - the thoughtful morning message, the "just because" flowers, a handwritten letter, a coffee waiting on my desk.... Grand gestures are well, grand. But life really does consist of a million little moments right? 

12. Mom.
This one is self explanatory so I'll leave you with this - she's the greatest woman to have ever lived/be living. On my birthday, she's the one to be celebrated.

What are some of your favorite things?

[Cue Julie Andrews/Sound of Music now]

1 comment:

  1. Fishing in the summer, snowboarding in the winter...loving it. I love what you're doing with the blog and stuff as well. Amazing writing. I had a chance to meet your aunts [Anna and Vera] and uncles [Tim and Dennis] last summer when they came up to Spokane Wa, and they mentioned that their niece had a blog. They are amazing people, btw. It was weird to find out that we have the same last name but we're not really related through the Kravchuk side, but through the Bondarenko side. Anyways, thought I'd chime in.
