"Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged." [Ronald Reagan]
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Quote of the Day 5/27/11
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." [Thomas Jefferson]
Friday, May 13, 2011
1 down, 3 to go!
I. AM. DONE... with my 1st year of college! I honestly cannot believe how fast everything has flown by. 10 months ago, I left the comforts of home to go to unknown place filled with unknown people. The first few weeks, I wanted out. I was convinced this was not my place, my environment or people whom I would ever connect with. I had made a mistake by coming here.
Looking back, I have had 10 AMAZING months filled with memories that could fill up textbooks. Not only do I live in a place that looks a little short of heaven, but I live in a place with some of the most genuine, hard working, caring, loving, supportive, thoughtful, profound individuals I have ever met. My professors were all people who had the greatest passion and love for their students and teaching. Despite the stress, exams, papers and presentations, they made everything worth the effort. They pushed me to want to achieve my maximum potential. They were truly individuals who have poured their love into their students wanting only the best. They were there every step of the way, always offering help, advice and even just a little chat to ease up the days when I hadn't quite woken up on the right side of the bed. I have learned so much this year and am looking forward to the opportunities ahead of me and the things to be learned and seen.
I have 3 more years at wonderful Point Loma Nazarene University and I know every year will out do the year before it. To my hall-mates: Masey, Clarissa, Bri and roommate Courtney, you ladies have had such an effect on me, that I am at a lose of words for. Each one of you has something so special and defining, where one of us is lacking, another can complete. We just all make sense, we click and the only thing that can explain how I feel is the fact that from the bottom of my heart, I feel like this was the hand of God bringing us together. He knows us and what our needs are and our wonderful Savior knew we needed each other. I am more of a person because of each of you and would be less of one had I not met y'all. My hope and prayer is that we will continue this friendship and continue to support and uplift each other, in the good and in the bad. I know that God has so much in store for each of us individually and us collectively. I love you all so much. I have loved the memories we created, the laughs we shared and the tears we experienced. Courtney, we were both so nervous about who our roommates would be but I think we can both agree it turned out quite well. We lived together in a room smaller then our own rooms at home but we made it work. Never a silent night or awkward, tense moment, I guess we are quite compatible. Thank you for putting up with me and I didn't mind putting up with you ;)
To Megan and Anne, our leaders and advisors. You helped us through our awkward freshman moments and countless questions. Thank you for your time and attention, N5N will never be forgotten.
I think us girls would also agree that we could not have done it without some "men" support. Jon, Jeff, Tanner, Daniel and Daniel, we met on day 1 and not a day has gone by where we do not appreciate you all, for being yourselves, for being honest and supportive and always willing to help. To Tim, thank you for driving me around and for study groups and just being a great friend. To Matt and Billy, we go back to the start, back to PoliSci, and we have many more experiences to come. To Alex, for being there at meals and making me waffles and always having a comforting word.
To my biggest support group, my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and little sister. They were always praying and encouraging me. Thank you for the visits, flowers, food and letters. When I was not motivated and tired, y'all pushed me through those moments. Being away strengthened our relationships even more and pushed us to value even more the moments we shared. My parents made it possible for me to go to a dream school, taking on quite a burden but doing it with so much love and faith that where there is a will, there is way and God will provide.
Finally, only through Christ were the above things mentioned in any way possible. I am in no way perfect and have stumbled but the love of my Savior has picked me up every single time. I know I have many more improvements to make yet only in Christ alone my hope is found.He is my light, my strength, my song. This Cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What a wonderful Savior, what a wonderful maker, With a strength like no other and the heart of a father. How majestic your whispers, what a wonderful God! Glory be to God on highest, He made this all POSSIBLE.
Looking back, I have had 10 AMAZING months filled with memories that could fill up textbooks. Not only do I live in a place that looks a little short of heaven, but I live in a place with some of the most genuine, hard working, caring, loving, supportive, thoughtful, profound individuals I have ever met. My professors were all people who had the greatest passion and love for their students and teaching. Despite the stress, exams, papers and presentations, they made everything worth the effort. They pushed me to want to achieve my maximum potential. They were truly individuals who have poured their love into their students wanting only the best. They were there every step of the way, always offering help, advice and even just a little chat to ease up the days when I hadn't quite woken up on the right side of the bed. I have learned so much this year and am looking forward to the opportunities ahead of me and the things to be learned and seen.
I have 3 more years at wonderful Point Loma Nazarene University and I know every year will out do the year before it. To my hall-mates: Masey, Clarissa, Bri and roommate Courtney, you ladies have had such an effect on me, that I am at a lose of words for. Each one of you has something so special and defining, where one of us is lacking, another can complete. We just all make sense, we click and the only thing that can explain how I feel is the fact that from the bottom of my heart, I feel like this was the hand of God bringing us together. He knows us and what our needs are and our wonderful Savior knew we needed each other. I am more of a person because of each of you and would be less of one had I not met y'all. My hope and prayer is that we will continue this friendship and continue to support and uplift each other, in the good and in the bad. I know that God has so much in store for each of us individually and us collectively. I love you all so much. I have loved the memories we created, the laughs we shared and the tears we experienced. Courtney, we were both so nervous about who our roommates would be but I think we can both agree it turned out quite well. We lived together in a room smaller then our own rooms at home but we made it work. Never a silent night or awkward, tense moment, I guess we are quite compatible. Thank you for putting up with me and I didn't mind putting up with you ;)
To Megan and Anne, our leaders and advisors. You helped us through our awkward freshman moments and countless questions. Thank you for your time and attention, N5N will never be forgotten.
I think us girls would also agree that we could not have done it without some "men" support. Jon, Jeff, Tanner, Daniel and Daniel, we met on day 1 and not a day has gone by where we do not appreciate you all, for being yourselves, for being honest and supportive and always willing to help. To Tim, thank you for driving me around and for study groups and just being a great friend. To Matt and Billy, we go back to the start, back to PoliSci, and we have many more experiences to come. To Alex, for being there at meals and making me waffles and always having a comforting word.
To my biggest support group, my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and little sister. They were always praying and encouraging me. Thank you for the visits, flowers, food and letters. When I was not motivated and tired, y'all pushed me through those moments. Being away strengthened our relationships even more and pushed us to value even more the moments we shared. My parents made it possible for me to go to a dream school, taking on quite a burden but doing it with so much love and faith that where there is a will, there is way and God will provide.
Finally, only through Christ were the above things mentioned in any way possible. I am in no way perfect and have stumbled but the love of my Savior has picked me up every single time. I know I have many more improvements to make yet only in Christ alone my hope is found.He is my light, my strength, my song. This Cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What a wonderful Savior, what a wonderful maker, With a strength like no other and the heart of a father. How majestic your whispers, what a wonderful God! Glory be to God on highest, He made this all POSSIBLE.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
In honor of Mother's Day
Today is the first Mother's Day I have spent away from my mama. I am in San Diego, she is in Santa Barbara. I wish I could be there to celebrate this very special day with her. My mother is the most incredible woman in the world. I have never met anyone like her. She is to me the perfect definition of what it means to be a mother. She is selfless, hard working, loving, brilliant, beautiful and a million more things. She has pushed me to be the person I am today and I thank God for giving her to me. Happy Mothers Day Mom, I love you oh so very much!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
more reflections in the airport
(I wrote this two weeks ago, but due to school ending, have not had time to post, nevertheless, enjoy)
It is 5:18 am, but perhaps for me this is the time of most creativity and elaborate thinking. Not to mention, I am also at my most visited destination, the Santa Barbara Airport, waiting for my departure back to San Diego. I was able to spend 6 days at home to celebrate Easter. It was so nice to be able to catch a break and enjoy time with my wonderful, incredible family.
The funny thing is that when I was flying home, I was thinking about how I could finally sleep in, relax, eat some good food, run a few errands and call it a day. Yet, in the back of my head somewhere I did not know if things would go according to plan... and they didn't.
I have learned over the past year that I have more time in college, then I do when I am at home. Honestly, I can not even catch a break at home. There are times when all I want to is an hour to just be able to lay on the couch and not do anything. A few times I got irritated thinking why wont life ever slow down? or when will the craziness stop? But all along, I knew the answer: never.
My "family" consists of 16 people. My parents (2), little sister, aunts (4), uncles (4), cousins (2), and grandparents (4). Because we love each other, we are constantly doing things for each other and as we all know, "things" require time. As much as I want to check off tasks off a list really quick, it never seems to work out that. Things always come up, the grocery store runs out of butter and there always seems to roadwork on the 101 freeway. The 6 days I spent at home, I was waking earlier then I do for class, and I still ran out of time. I had barely enough time to finish my family tasks, let alone do anything for myself or see some friends.
Yet, I do not say this with a bitterness or annoyance, my mother has constantly repeated to me that "your service to others is what life is all about." Family is also the most precious thing in anyone's life. As much as I want to go see some friends or lay on the couch, there are things of higher importance. I love my family and my service to them, whether picking up groceries, throwing a baby shower or helping cook, is the best way to show my love and appreciation, don't actions always speak louder than words?
I do have those moments where I feel like a need a pause button, I need a pause but life can never just stop, someone will always need something and being there is what life is all about. Putting aside plans and checklists and just being there in times of need. Ralph Waldo Emerson was famously quoted saying :"...To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” Sometimes I wish I could be one of those people who can just do something whenever I want to and not constantly turn down reschedule lunch dates and movies and going out, but life is not about what I want to do, its about what others need. Our priority should not be our needs and desires but those of others. I am not saying we all have to be sacrificial lambs but in a way I guess we do have to be. There is a fine line between sacrificing and completely over-stretching ourselves. My family is the biggest example to me, they are whenever and for whatever I may need them. Yes they have their own needs and goals, but I have seen so many times when they sacrifice what little of free time they may have
Anyone who knows me, knows just how much my family means to me. I honestly, cannot even put into words the bond that we share. We complete each other, what one person lacks, the other person can fill in. I wish I did not have to be that person to cancel on lunch dates, movies, nights out, etc, but I have a duty to my family. I love my friends, they are some of the most amazing people I have ever met, but my family is my number 1.
I know I have failed them at times. I have had times where I just wanted everyone to leave me alone and let me be, but I am glad that did not let me do that. Society may stress that life is about being an individual, but in order to truly live life, we need to be part of a community. Even the most independent of people need a shoulder to lean on and cry on. I guess if whoever is reading this could get one message is that no matter how great your life is going or no matter how fantastic your friends may be, do not devalue your family. They are the best friends you could ever ask for.
It is 5:18 am, but perhaps for me this is the time of most creativity and elaborate thinking. Not to mention, I am also at my most visited destination, the Santa Barbara Airport, waiting for my departure back to San Diego. I was able to spend 6 days at home to celebrate Easter. It was so nice to be able to catch a break and enjoy time with my wonderful, incredible family.
The funny thing is that when I was flying home, I was thinking about how I could finally sleep in, relax, eat some good food, run a few errands and call it a day. Yet, in the back of my head somewhere I did not know if things would go according to plan... and they didn't.
I have learned over the past year that I have more time in college, then I do when I am at home. Honestly, I can not even catch a break at home. There are times when all I want to is an hour to just be able to lay on the couch and not do anything. A few times I got irritated thinking why wont life ever slow down? or when will the craziness stop? But all along, I knew the answer: never.
My "family" consists of 16 people. My parents (2), little sister, aunts (4), uncles (4), cousins (2), and grandparents (4). Because we love each other, we are constantly doing things for each other and as we all know, "things" require time. As much as I want to check off tasks off a list really quick, it never seems to work out that. Things always come up, the grocery store runs out of butter and there always seems to roadwork on the 101 freeway. The 6 days I spent at home, I was waking earlier then I do for class, and I still ran out of time. I had barely enough time to finish my family tasks, let alone do anything for myself or see some friends.
Yet, I do not say this with a bitterness or annoyance, my mother has constantly repeated to me that "your service to others is what life is all about." Family is also the most precious thing in anyone's life. As much as I want to go see some friends or lay on the couch, there are things of higher importance. I love my family and my service to them, whether picking up groceries, throwing a baby shower or helping cook, is the best way to show my love and appreciation, don't actions always speak louder than words?
I do have those moments where I feel like a need a pause button, I need a pause but life can never just stop, someone will always need something and being there is what life is all about. Putting aside plans and checklists and just being there in times of need. Ralph Waldo Emerson was famously quoted saying :"...To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” Sometimes I wish I could be one of those people who can just do something whenever I want to and not constantly turn down reschedule lunch dates and movies and going out, but life is not about what I want to do, its about what others need. Our priority should not be our needs and desires but those of others. I am not saying we all have to be sacrificial lambs but in a way I guess we do have to be. There is a fine line between sacrificing and completely over-stretching ourselves. My family is the biggest example to me, they are whenever and for whatever I may need them. Yes they have their own needs and goals, but I have seen so many times when they sacrifice what little of free time they may have
Anyone who knows me, knows just how much my family means to me. I honestly, cannot even put into words the bond that we share. We complete each other, what one person lacks, the other person can fill in. I wish I did not have to be that person to cancel on lunch dates, movies, nights out, etc, but I have a duty to my family. I love my friends, they are some of the most amazing people I have ever met, but my family is my number 1.
I know I have failed them at times. I have had times where I just wanted everyone to leave me alone and let me be, but I am glad that did not let me do that. Society may stress that life is about being an individual, but in order to truly live life, we need to be part of a community. Even the most independent of people need a shoulder to lean on and cry on. I guess if whoever is reading this could get one message is that no matter how great your life is going or no matter how fantastic your friends may be, do not devalue your family. They are the best friends you could ever ask for.
Quote of the Day 5/4/11
“You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give” [Eleanor Roosevelt]
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