
Monday, April 2, 2012

Jan/Feb/March/April Update?

I've been gone for a while and I wish it wasn't so. There has been so much I have wanted to write and share but frankly, theres just no enough hours in the day. Things have been so chaotic and busy that last time I checked, I was unwrapping Christmas presents and now I am 4 weeks away from being done with my second year of school. Crazy huh? 

Despite all the busyness life consistently entails, one thing has been present... every. single. day. Ready for it? Well, joy. Pure, unending, consistent joy. The greatest thing I have learned is to find yourself knee deep in the so many errands, assignments, and duties but to have a calm and joyful heart. Never in my life have I been happier or felt so fulfilled. Here's a brief example from today: I spent a few hours going to the bank, to the store, and other miscellaneous tasks and as I drove with my windows down, the 73 degree sun and breeze shinning down, the only thing I could do was smile and laugh. This is the day that the Lord has made, and it was just perfect.

In the past few months, I have been able to apply myself to an activity I have truly fallen in love with... the debate team. I do not have any experience outside of this year, but regardless, I have really learned and grown so much this year. My partner and I finished 5th at the National Championships this year in our division, and I couldn't be more proud. Plus I got a few top speaker awards on my wall and a 2nd in impromptu, not a bad start for a newbie?

Another growing passion of mine would be the study of law, more specifically, American Constitutional Law. I have a Constitutional Law class every Tuesday and Thursday for almost two hours and most days I wish it was a little bit longer. It's hard to believe a thick textbook, some case briefs and an amazingly brilliant professor could bring so much joy, but they do. Reading the book is a pleasure, writing the briefs is painless and listening to the professor is an honor. You can find me in my happy place Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30 to 2:20 :)

On top of academics, I have had an even greater learning lesson in the arena of friendship and personal relationships.When you live in close proximity with people, you learn a lot about them and even more about yourself. You learn to value some more, to distance yourself from others and gain wisdom to acknowledge who goes into which category. The reality of life is that most of it is spent sorting out the good, the bad, and the questionable. You spend so much time figuring out the best way to go around things and how to talk to people and when to silently walk away. I have learned that distance is healthy and a sign of maturity and strength. I have also learned the value of demonstrating appreciation. There are people which just help me breathe a little easier every day and I need to thank them for it. They are my foundation and rock, and they should really  know it. 

As I look forward to the next few months, I have even more reasons to celebrate. In 4 short months, I will be living in beautiful Rome, Italy. Not only that but I get to experience this with two very close friends. I couldn't feel any luckier. I am SO lucky to be where I am at. I live at a school which looks like a resort. The wonderful woman I live with is one of my best friends. The professors I interact with on a daily basis have my best intentions in mind and finally, my family has been behind me every step of the way. When I look back to last summer and how hard it was and how much time was wasted, I wish I could take it back. But placing last year and this year side by side, shows how even MORE wonderful life is. The mistakes and set backs are in the past, and I wholeheartedly embrace whatever the future is bringing my way.

xoxox, Lydia.

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