
Friday, November 22, 2013

My biggest weakness (and it might be yours too)

A typical question they love to ask in interviews goes something like this: “What is your biggest weakness?” or “what are areas of improvement in yourself?” It’s kinda a trick question. Your interviewer is not only checking to see if you think too much of yourself but also if there are any red flags you might let slip in the pressure of the moment. After going through my share of interviews, I have learned how to genuinely and gracefully this question. While I won’t reveal my interview tips and tricks, I will tell gladly tell you one thing I recognize to my weakness multiple weaknesses…I want to do way too much. I commit to too much. I care too much. And I want to fix everyone’s problems.

Let me put out a disclaimer and say this is not me trying to say gosh I’m such a bad person because I care about way too many people so compliment me and tell me its okay.

I in no way will ever compare myself to Mother Teresa and I can’t even compare myself to my own mother. This is a post about a weakness, and I really don’t want your sympathy. I want to learn from my mistakes and share them with you in the hopes that you do not make the same ones too.

When bad things happen to people I love and care about, all their worries, fears, and stresses are added to my own list of worries, fears, and stresses. I have yet to be a mother, but I sure do become a mother when bad things happen to good people. I so badly want to fix the broken and heal the hurting. I begin to worry for other people’s exams, doctors’ visits, relationships, family drama, unemployment and credit card issues. I want people to call me in the middle of the night when they can’t sleep or are crying or are contemplating anorexia episodes. I want to be there for them, day or night.

On top of that, sometimes I make too many commitments. I think I can do it all and in my mind, I can perfectly plan everything out and put each activity and person into a time slot and think I can go and accomplish everything… all’s in a day’s work right?

I also like responsibility. In fact, I crave responsibility. I’ve written about it many times and I’ll say it again; I like being an adult and I like the real world. Bring it on, reality.

And then reality comes and hits me real hard.