
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cheat a little...

     So at my job (which btw I will have to devote a full post to one of these days because it is absolutely the best job I've had in my life thus far), my manager has us carry around a 8.5 by 11 "cheat" page of the activities going on at the property on a weekly basis. Unless we have completely memorized every event, this cheat sheet needs to be glued to our body at all times. That way, if anyone were to stop and ask questions about events, we could actually answer questions and seem informed. Plus, nothing looks worse then mumbling out a meesly "uhhhhh.. I don't know..." to a guest of a luxury, 5 star, world renowed resort.
     Because it is summer, there is no reason that I should not be posting on here more. I am so humbly honored by all the positive feedback I received for my last post and have been thinking about what to write next. This cheat sheet from work gave me an idea to perhaps write a small cheat sheet about myself. Now, the things I am about to share may or may not be the most important, pervailing life facts or secrets. Plus, I always suck at filling out those applications or question sheets that say "describe yourself in 250 words or less."
    And on a side note, if some of you stumbled across this post hopeing to find some justification to cheat on your significant other, your next math test, tax report or diet, sorry, keep looking...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rat Race

     As I sit on my plushy queen size bed, stretch my legs and begin the oh so glamourous process of overnight teeth bleaching , I cannot help but reflect back on the conversations that took place 24 hours ago. My friend Christy had made a surprise appearance in Santa Barbara and it was only fitting and proper (for us former Southern Belles) to get together over tea and biscuits (okay... Coffee Bean and loud bar noises of downtown) and catch up on life. Christy and I were once just debate team acquaintances but after roughing the life of Knoxville, Tennessee, super sized Walmart, and fried chicken... well simply put, we were pretty much friends for life. 
     Our 5 hour long conversation started with the usual- the "how are you doing?", "aren't you glad its summer?,"how is he doing?" and "I can't believe he said that!", but 24 hours later, I kept reflecting on one simple phrase. So simple, but so, completely and utterly honest: "it's like a rat race."
     After getting through the surface issues of life: not enough sleep, not enough money and not enough sane men, we got to the nitty gritty. What is life and when does it actually start? Christy's words could not have hit the nail on the head more perfectly, for me, for her and probably most of the rest of the world. By dictionary terms, a rat race is a term used for an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit and in visual terms, its like a rat in a lab cage, who tries to escape by furiously running around in its wheel, but realistically for little purpose. 
     I know especially, that being a student, and a part of the rising work force, you really do get thrown into a rat race. In school you are pressured by yourself, or someone close to yourself ,to do more, to do better, to get internships which will get you better connections and jobs in the future. You have to take 19+ units and do 5 extracurriculars and be the homecoming queen and be ASB president and the fasted runner on the track team and volunteer for the animal shelter and raise 25,000 dollars a month for cancer research and score in the top percentile on the MKATs or LSATS and triple major and get at least a 3.8 gpa all while somehow maintaing your health, sanity, credit card bills and personal relationships. Somehow even writing that all out made me exhausted, let know trying to figure out how to fit that all into a 24 hour day.