
Thursday, February 24, 2011

An Unalienable Right To Life

On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a local newspaper in Illinois refused to run this ad. The newspaper's ad department stated they were too "graphic." Since when are ultrasounds "graphic"? In fact, these ultrasound photos are beautiful. Parents proudly display them on their refrigerators, for goodness sakes. What's wrong with these pictures? Why is the mainstream media censoring the truth about preborn babies?
     When I think about what rights are given to me by this country, one line from our precious constitution comes to mind: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." 
     So what does the word "unalienable" mean? When I tried to find the world "unalienable" in the dictionary, nothing came back. So as I did my research, I stumbled upon this "The concept of "certain unalienable rights" is evidence that the Founding Fathers of the United States believed in God and for the most part we're strongly religious men with strong beliefs in entitlements bestowed by God upon men, and that these entitlements were so important that no earthly power can rightfully deny them. Therefore, no Government can deny these rights."
     I have never heard anyone say that we should not have the right to life, liberty or happiness. In fact, no one in America would ever even dare to challenge this. Yet, unfortunately, many individuals  are being stripped of this right and actually, some government officials are even willing to pay for this loss of rights. 
     Everyday approximately 115,000 babies are aborted worldwide and about 42 million every year. In the United States alone 3,700 innocents lives are taken everyday. Many argue that an embryo is not a human but even The Official Senate report on Senate Bill 158, the "Human Life Bill", summarized the issue this way: "Physicians, biologists, and other scientists agree that conception marks the beginning of the life of a human being - a being that is alive and a member of the human species. There is overwhelming agreement on this point in countless medical, biological, and scientific writings." I’ve heard many argue that a definition of a human being is one who can show emotion, who can laugh and cry. Yet what about those in a coma? A person in a coma displays no emotion, no laughing and no crying but we still view them as a human being with unalienable rights.
     Everything that determines the individuality and originality of a person is established at conception. The first single cell contains the entire genetic blueprint in all its complexity. We have even established that a woman with a child is considered two separate individuals. For example, when Scott Peterson was found guilty in the murder of his pregnant wife he was charged with double murder. One for her and one for the child she was carrying. 
     There are many arguments that abortion must be an option because there are many different scenarios and special circumstances that bring a woman to consider an abortion. But when you look the facts, it has been found that 95% of abortions occur because of social reasons or at the time being, the pregnancy was "inconvenient." Since when is it okay to take a life because you don’t have the time to deal with it?
     From an early age we have been taught to take responsibility for our actions. Unfortunately, our society has opted to find an easy way out. As a woman, I believe in the right to have the privacy to choose what I can and cannot do with my body. However, when it comes to a life, I or you cannot decide a persons fate for them. Obama was quoted saying "If my daughter was to make a mistake, I would not want her being punished by having a child." This statement breaks my heart. How much has our society fallen to consider a precious, innocent human being a punishment? Every child is a gift from God, not a punishment or an inconvenience. A child is a child, no matter how small she or he may be, and that child most definitely needs to have the unalienable right to liberty and happiness, but above all, life.


  1. Lidiya I agree 100% with you. I love the way you put everything. It's so sad what our country has come to. It breaks my heart!

  2. Thanks Tanya, I totally agree, and it breaks every time I hear about it! Definitely an issue that needs lots of prayers.
