
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quote of the Day 10/5/11

"Faith crosses every border and touches every heart in every nation."    [George W. Bush]


  1. You seem very involved and informed about politics, I'd like to hear your opinion on how God is becoming involved with the 2012 election. What candidate do you support? What do you think of Rick Perry's recent stance involving Christianity as well as homosexuality?

  2. Well thank you first of all for reading my blog! always a pleasure to hear from new readers! I think that God is always involved with elections, he always has been, always will be and in fact he is involved with everything. As for candidates, I have been a supported of Mitt Romney since the 2008 elections, but currently I still have a very open mind and am slowly but surely filling in voids and gaps on my opinions on the candidates. I think Rick Perry is definitely a man of conservative values, which for me is something that I want to see in our president. I strongly believe that a country needs a strong moral foundation in order to be successful. I do agree with Perry's stance that homosexuality is a sin, it says the same thing in the Bible. That being said, it does not mean I think heterosexuals are above homosexuals, as we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. How about yourself? How do you feel?

  3. As I am sure you know, homosexuality is not mentioned in the New Testament, only the Old Testament. Does this mean you follow the Old Testament as well? If not, why do you find it appropriate to follow only that specific part of the Old Testament? I'm assuming that if you think homosexuality is a sin, then you do not believe that same sex couples should be allowed to wed. Please correct me if I am wrong. Is this stance because of your religious beliefs? Or does it come from something else? In my experience, those who do not support same sex marriage do so because of their religious beliefs. However, then there is the issue of the separation between church and state. Why do you think it is ok for religious beliefs to determine politics? Isn't that what the United States was founded on, freedom of religion? If we choose a specific religion to use as a basis for laws, then we are not granting citizens their constitutional rights. Do you think that Americans should have religious freedom?
